"Indeed, I advocate opening up the scope of conferences in other fields and bringing in sustainability themes such as water. The links are often easy to make: from construction to water use, or from clothing to water. We need to inform and educate people about the value of, for example, wetlands and how the government works together with national and international organisations to manage and improve them. By informing about these valuable water areas, the government also wants to involve stakeholders in finding new funds.”
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Who is Johanna Fischer?
Johanna Fischer is an expert in destination marketing. In her work, she focuses on how tourist destinations can be linked to educational aims and sustainability. With her organisations – FrauBlau and tmf dialogue – Johanna has been specialising in the issues around water and other SDGs for many years: shortages of drinking water, but also ways in which certain regions promote soil filtration and give space back to the rivers. Thanks to the SDGs, more and more organisations understand how important water is and that we have to handle it differently. In order to realise this change, awareness needs to be increased and the support of governments won, even across national borders.
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