In Flanders, it's all about impact. Your impact.

header-website impact website
With your conference, you can do more than establish a milestone in your domain. You can also create impact: a positive long-term effect for people in society.

Flanders attaches great value to the impact you can realize with your conference. You can tell by the support we offer to you. Please read all about it on this page.

Read more about impact: download the free brochure.

Why is impact so important? And how do you create it?

Conferences are game changers that not only can change your sector, but also the lives of people in society. Discover how our methodology helps you to establish such a milestone.


Get inspired: stories about impact

As a researcher, scientist, entrepreneur or policy maker, you want to set a milestone. So do your colleagues in Flanders. Get inspired by their stories.

>> Click here

Find a wealth of inspiration about impact: interviews with experts in your field and articles on the trends of tomorrow. Select the topic “impact” in the filters and click on the search button.

>> Click here

Meet the Legacy Makers: leading scientists and entrepreneurs in your domain. They share with you their knowledge on impact and inspire with best cases.

>> Click here

Legacy makers

Welcome to events and conferences with impact

The best way to learn about impact is to experience impact. Check out our calendar of impactful conferences and events.

Kursaal rode stoelen

Discover 30+ venues in Flanders with impact

They are called “Flanders Heritage Venues” for a reason. And that reason is: you are guaranteed to make a big impression on your delegates.

Madeleine inside

The cities of Flanders: impact guaranteed

The cities in Flanders will surprise you with 1001 views and as many opportunities for your conference.

Ghent heritage

Your weekly dose of inspiration with impact

On our Linkedin page, we post new content with impact every week. Follow our page and be continuously inspired.


Fancy a taste of the atmosphere at Impact Day? This video gives you a privileged look.