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The milestone of Céline De Coninck

As the project leader of European Youth Capital 2024, Céline De Coninck gives young people a voice. And she’s determined to keep pushing for greater youth representation in political decision-making beyond her one-year term. “If the discussion is about young people, they should darn well be at the table,” she says.

Makes sure young people are seen and heard

“Helping shape my home city of Ghent as the European Youth Capital has been a milestone in my career for sure,” Céline reflects. “This project has opened up new opportunities for young people and inspired them to pursue their own bold, ambitious ideas. We’ve also brought networks and communities closer together, paving the way for future collaborations. Moreover, this milestone serves as a huge motivator for things to come. It was a journey of trial and error, but looking back at what we’ve accomplished with our team and the young people involved, I feel on top of the world (laughs).”

“A conference encourages you to ask critical questions and learn from others.”

Céline De Coninck

An open mind

Historic venues

This year, Céline and her team brought numerous young European and youth workers to Ghent to learn from each other. “Flanders not only offers stunning historic venues but also boasts a highly professional events sector that takes your conferences to the next level. And the region is easily accessible, which is another plus.”

“Flanders has a highly professional events sector that takes your conferences to the next level.”

“We invited the Bosnian architect Arna Mačkić to one of our conferences. Her work focuses on architecture that fosters connection in public spaces. Unfortunately, the panel discussion I was set to have with Arna didn’t happen. But I’d very much like another shot at meeting her!”

Preaching to the choir

There are two things about conferences that Céline would love to see change. “Firstly, there should be a better representation of the groups in question. Just consider the age of the typical conference attendee. If the discussion is about young people, they should darn well be at the table. But the same applies to people who are battling illness, for example.”

“We need to make an even bigger effort to look beyond the boundaries of our own field, because interdisciplinary connections are where the magic happens.”

“Secondly, a congress should avoid preaching to the choir. We need to make an even bigger effort to look beyond the boundaries of our own field, because interdisciplinary connections are where the magic happens. When I was a youth worker, the organization I worked with received an award at a conference of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. That’s when you know you’re making a difference.”

Schouwburg Kortrijk - (c) Mark Depaepe

What’s your milestone?

Set it with a conference in Flanders.

Organising a conference in Flanders allows you to tap into the passion and expertise of insightful minds, bringing you another step closer to achieving your own milestone.

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